IN FLOW, FLUID AND LIQUID IS WATER’S PERSPECTIVE. It goes beyond 3D and 4D. Thank you Jack Collom for your beautiful poem it has change my perspective and the way I look and think the world. Thank you Jennifer Heath for posting it on your Blog:



Jack Collom: born Chicago 1931, grew up in nearby Western Springs. Woods and birds. Moved to Colorado, studied Forestry. USAF four years, factory, GI Bill English degrees. Freelance poetry teacher forty years. Longtime Naropa U. adjunct. Books on kids’ writings. 25 books of own poetry. National Arts Endowment awards, FCA award. Seeks to match nature’s variety with variety of ways to think/talk about it.

Helen Zughaib

Surfing through WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE ~ Poems, Short Prose & Art I just could not resist to ask permission to Jennifer Heath, curator of the show Water Water Everywhere Pean to a Vanishing Resource, and to artist Helen Zughaib to include this beautiful artwork to my blog:


Painting by Helen Zughaib©

Moonlight Fishing

A recollection of days gone by before Kuwait struck it rich with oil. Pearl diving is now just a highly respected folkloric celebration to remind the younger generation of the old days. Moonlight Fishing is a paean to a vanished tradition, a vanished resource.

Helen Zughaib was born in Beirut, Lebanon, and lived mostly in the Middle East and Europe before coming to the United States to study art. She received her BFA from Syracuse University, College of Visual and Performing Arts. She paints using gouache and ink on board, transforming her subjects into a combination of colors and patterns, creating a nontraditional sense of space and perspective.

Zughaib has exhibited widely in New York and the Washington D.C. area. Her paintings are included in more than 80 private and public collections, including the White House, World Bank, Library of Congress, United States Consulate General, Vancouver, Canada, American Embassy in Baghdad, Iraq, and the Arab American National Museum in Detroit, Michigan. Most recently, she served as United States Cultural Envoy to the West Bank, Palestine.

Zughaib feels that her background in the Middle East allows her to approach the experiences she has in the U.S. in a unique way, remaining an observer of both the Arab and American cultures. She believes that the arts are one of the most important tools we have to help shape and foster dialogue and positive ideas about the Middle East.

Hopefulness, healing, and spirituality, are all themes that are woven into her work.

Moonlight Fishing, 24 x 24, gouache on board, collection of Russ Conlan and Doug Hansen.

Water water, poetry for water

WATER, WATER EVERYWHERE ~ Poems, Short Prose & Art is curated by Jennifer Heath.


Here you will find great little treasures such as water poetry and art.

Maybe you’d like to submit your treasure too!

Michael Wolfe

michael-wolfe0002 michael-wolfe2


 Cecilia Vicuña



Journée Mondiale de l’Environnement a geneva

While I am honoured to have my plastic bags partake to this very special event I would like to share with you an:


499-350-anne-cecile-casual-smile-large-blueAnne cecile Turner is the founder and director of Race for Water Foundation.


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in partnership with the United Nations Office at Geneva, the Permanent Mission of New Zealand to the United Nations in Geneva and the Race for Water Foundation have the honour to invite you to the World Environment Day (WED) Event in Geneva: Biking in Solidarity with Small Island Developing States Bains des Pâquis, Quai du Mont-Blanc 30, located on Lake Geneva on Wednesday, 4 June 2014 at 5 pm. In support of the UN`s designation of 2014 as the International Year of Small Island Developing States (SIDS), the WED 2014 emphasizes the threats of climate change such as rising sea levels for SIDS around the world. This year’s slogan “Raise your voice, not the sea level” asks for the galvanization of individual actions into a collective force for generating a positive impact on the planet. Therefore, in solidarity with threatened SIDS: We are calling for UN high officials, Ambassadors and civil society representatives to donate their time, willingness and biking skills At the Bains des Pâquis, three stationary bicycles will be connected to interactive displays. As the UN high officials and Ambassadors are biking, mounted screens will show corresponding decrease in sea levels. These energetic and committed efforts to help SIDS will be recorded on video and will be available for publishing on your respective Agencies’ and Embassies’ online platforms for the official World Environment Day on 5 June. A light cocktail will be offered following the event. The event will serve to increase public awareness about the impacts of climate change and the associated sea level rise affecting Small Island Developing States.

A la veille de la Journée Mondiale de l’Environnement, les Genevois et Genevoise sont invités à venir pédaler le long du lac Léman en solidarité avec les petits états insulaires et ainsi contribuer à la préservation de l’eau et de l’environnement. C’est dans ce cadre qu’Anne-Cécile Turner, Directrice de la Fondation Race for Water était le “Grand Invité” du 26 mai dernier dans l’émission de Lynne Mabillon diffusée sur Radio Cité Genève.

Retrouvez l’intégralité de l’interview ici

Rappel de l’événement:

Date et Horaire
Mercredi 4 Juin de 11h à 18h


Bain des Pâquis
Quai du Mont-Blanc 30
1201 Genève


Bus: 1, 25 (arrêt: Navigation)
Mouettes: M1, M2, M3 (arrêt: Pâquis)


For more Info about Race for water got to: http://www.multioneattitude.com/en/

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Race for water and my plastic bags in Rolle


La Planète Bleue, opération de mobilisation autour de la préservation de l’eau, aura lieu les vendredi 23 et samedi 24 mai 2014 au Casino Théâtre de Rolle et sur les quais.

Cette initiative, organisée en collaboration avec le Casino Théâtre de Rolle autour de la journée des contes a pour but de permettre à tous de découvrir le plaisir des contes tout en sensibilisant de manière ludique aux enjeux environnementaux de notre planète et de notre région.

La tente « Pavillon de l’eau » de la Fondation Race for Water en forme de demi-goutte y sera déployée afin de sensibiliser le grand public à la préservation de l’eau.

Quizz sur l’eau, visualisation du volume d’eau virtuelle, calcul de son empreinte en eau, signature de la charte du Water Guardian, solutions pour préserver l’eau, des animations pour enfants, présentations d’œuvres artistiques, projection de films, sculpture, photographie seront à découvrir.

La journée du vendredi 23 mai sera dédiée aux écoles, des classes de Rolle et environs se verront offrir par la Fondation Race for Water un programme de sensibilisation, disposant comme outil principal du livret pédagogique Titeuf créé par notre ambassadeur ZEP.

Le samedi 24 mai sera destiné au grand public. L’occasion de venir rencontrer nos Water Guardian tels que le skipper Stève Ravussin, la comédienne Anne Richard qui a écrit un conte spécialement pour cette occasion et bien d’autres surprises….


Le programme de la journée :

5 sessions de contes
Une opération de nettoyage des rives et fonds du Léman organisée par Net’Léman
Des visites du circuit de l’eau potable de la région rolloise avec le SIDERE
Une exposition Race for Water dans le «Pavillon de l’eau », tente en forme de demi-goutte
Une exposition d’espèces animales invasives de nos cours d’eau et du Lac du service de l’environnement de l’Etat de Vaud
Une exposition sur l’énergie de la Commune de Rolle
Un atelier ludique WATERGAMES du Musée du Léman
Un atelier de création d’un bateau « Race for Water» recyclé
Un jeu de piste
Nous vous attendons nombreux ! Samedi 24 mai 2014 de 9:30 à 17:00

Pour que nous devenions tous des Water Guardian !


Contes: Lieu :

Age conseillé : dès 3 ans Casino Théâtre de Rolle, quais et Jardins Anglais
Tarif individuel CHF 10.- Rue du Port 15

Tarif groupe (4 personnes) CHF 35.- 1180 Rolle
Billetterie: en ligne http://www.theatre-rolle.ch

Rolle Tourisme ou sur place le jour même Entrée libre pour les activités extérieuresRfW_Collage_Rolle_Enfants_webres



Si vous êtes en mesure de nous offrir quelques heures, elles sont précieuses ! Contactez: info@theatre-rolle.ch afin de communiquer vos disponibilités, et les tâches qui vous intéressent. Repas et boissons offerts.

For more info go to: http://www.multioneattitude.com/en/RfW_Collage_Rolle_Animations_webres

Clean me up

safe_image.php             Nearly 4,000 Los Angeles kids, teachers and volunteers send a giant text message from the ocean to “CLEAN ME UP :)” as part of the 21st annual Kids Ocean Day Adopt-A-Beach Clean-Up organized by the Malibu Foundation, City of Los Angeles, Spectral Q, Keep LA Beautiful and the California Coastal Commission in Los Angeles May 15, 2014. The kids are alerting the world about the need to help the ocean and protect it from the everyday trash and plastic litter that flow down the streets, killing marine life and polluting food resources. Photo Credit: Jeff Pantukhoff, Spectral Q, Kids Ocean Day.



El Paso Museum of Art Friday, June 6 Water water pean to a vanishing resource

EPMA Vanishing Ice_Water_Water_ Tri-Fold Invitation_PROOF_4-page-002EPMA Vanishing Ice_Water_Water_ Tri-Fold Invitation_PROOF_4-page-001El Paso Museum of Art_June_Tri_Fold_PROOF 06-page-002El Paso Museum of Art_June_Tri_Fold_PROOF 06-page-001WATER WATER, PAEN TO A VANISHING RESOURCE IS OPENING AT ELA PASO MUSEUM OF ART





Water Water Everywhere Open Forum & Discussion

If you like to follow the travelling water show titled ‘WATER WATER EVERYWHERE; PAEN TO A VANISHING RESOURCE’ and curated by Jennifer Heath,  follow the blog:




photo 2In the context of our exhibition: ”Race for Water – Preserving  water” we are pleased, to invite you to a round table followed by a lunch buffet to be held on Thursday 5 December 2013 from 11:30 to 13:30 at “Quartier Libre SIG”, Pont de la Machine in Geneva, on the theme: “Plastic pollution in water – what solutions?”

This roundtable will bring together professional actors on the subject, an opportunity to share and work together on water pollution.



Hong Kong 2013

1000 Hong Kong kids, teachers, and volunteers call for shark conservation by forming a giant shark with a severed fin saying ‘Save Me’ in Chinese (救我). The children then re-attached the fin, dotted the eye, ‘rekindling its spirit,’ and brought the shark back to life as the message of the 2nd annual ‘Kids Ocean Day’ Hong Kong organized by Ocean Recovery Alliance (a Hong Kong and California registered NGO), Malibu Foundation, and Spectral Q from Los Angeles).

The image is based on original drawings from two Hong Kong schoolchildren, one depicting a shark asking for a ‘ban on shark fin soup,’ and the other with a severed fin which said ‘save me’ while building respect for an endangered species that sadly, is universally feared. Their drawings were converted to a large scale aerial art image on the beach by international artist John Quigley, with help from all of the children, but with the fins from children at the Confucian Tai Shing Primary School, and Renaissance College primary students.