WE MADE IT! My First BOOK Thank you letter to you

Imperia, 23/03/2024

Dear Friends, artists, art lovers, art supporters,

Book’s Shipping fees: Whopping high! 

12 euro within Germany, 25 euro to Italy, 40 euro to UK and US — wow! 

I am awfully sorry about this and have placed my complaints. Not mentioned in the contract, I never asked the publisher — my bad and lesson learned.

On the other hand, had I known before, I would have never embarked on this adventure. Fear — of not being worthy, good enough, that my work is not of value — these unexpectedly high shipping fees have initiated me into an impostor syndrome psycho-trip, confronting me also with another old big issue: the labour of my work. 

I rest assured that all proceeds from the book’s sale go to cover the publisher’s expenses only! (although I do get few free books, will I have to pay for the shipping fees to receive them?)

Labour of love — so far my art has remained, hmm, “pure” (poor)? 

Purposely framed into an ideological construction, I’ve never seriously made an effort to sell work. Have I used moral ethics to excuse myself out the of business of reality?

A sacred space, the alchemical mix of art; my soul bonding with my conceptual training had to remain non-commodifiable! Untouched — not just by capitalism, but also by respect, acknowledgement, appreciation: the essential elements that allow an artist career furthering. Yet, I too yearn for a dignifying social status that recognises all the professional and personal development, the time, energy, creativity, the persevering dedication, and money, and, and, and much more, and, that I have invested in my practice.

Bloody shipping fees, nearly jeopardising the dream!

Shipping fees, deflating the ambition of future publications (especially the collection of interactive poems that were prompted by the passing of Rinaldo, my beloved non-biological father.)

Shipping fees, you have triggered my low-self-esteem and confronted me with the longing for attention and love that in my case mingles with the issue of labour (definitely more work required in that field!)

Shipping fees, almost jeopardising the possibility for people to be part of this project. Yes, because from a SEA (socially engaged art) point of view, I see this as a participatory – a collective project! 

Journeying with you to accomplish this milestone together has made me more aware of our cosmic interdependence. Asking for help to invest your money in my book has been a very humbling experience and I cannot thank you enough for all the amazing support and trust you have granted me.

Every time I felt too embarrassed — hesitant, your personal notes and timely encouragements gave me strength to push through the protocol of what to my standards was a fierce marketing campaign — I apologise, for the annoying e-bulk- bombardments, I hope it was not too aggressive.

This project has put me in touch with parts of myself as well as reconnected me to various geographical past timezones. Travelling the distance of time and space I’ve encountered so many beautiful memories that have shined the many faces tied to the projects illustrated in this book. 

I don’t know if I ever will resolve the issue of the labour of my work, what I can say now is that the compensation I have received from you is far greater than I would have ever expected. And, talking of labour of love — behind the scene — RCA graphic designer and dearest friend Nerina Wilter, has guided me through the realms of graphics. A world of infinite options and almighty fonts, the placing of anything on a blank page requires an incredible amount of time, thinking, knowledge and work! — Thank you Nerina!

So yes, We made it! And even without social media! Unbelievable?

Thanks to you the book will be published and on sale on the Snap Collective site, only at a higher price — Blimey! (be brave!)

Thank you again for creating a moment of genuine solidarity. I am full of gratitude for sticking it through this race, for believing and contributing to the advancement of my art practice — you have inspired me! 

This books is dedicated to you!



PS: the book can now be completed, printed and, yes, shipped! In approximately a month’s time from now it should be delivered to you. FYI: the book is A4 size and 1,5 Kg heavy.


Dear friends, artists, art lovers, art supporters,

A few days ago, I informed you about my book project. If you haven’t had the opportunity to read my message yet and support me with a pre-order, here is the main information:https://shop.snap-collective.com/collections/coming-soon/products/and-they-lived-happily-ever-after-by-claudi-piripippi

So far, 16 copies have been pre-ordered — thank you! Thanks to each one of you for believing in my work — even investing the money for shipping! I know, not exactly cheap, but I hope that the many years of passion and work will translate into this production. May these 190 high end quality pages be worthy of your precious attention and open up horizons and opportunities. By being involved you are accompanying me through a journey. It’s exciting but also nerve wrecking because selling art has never been my forte, but an art book seemed a good compromise and a beginning of something: the opening of a window onto another window.

In order to actually finish and publish it, I need 25 pre-orders for a small market test, so that Snap Collective, my publisher can see that there is an actual sales potential, and therefore take the risk of publishing the book.

While I apologise for the repeated bulk email (I have access to sales count but not names of byers), I would be grateful if you would support my first book project with an order! 

If you haven’t already — you can pre-order the book (discounted of 10 euro) directly from the publisher via this LINK

The pre-order campaign ENDS on Tuesday March 26th at 9pm CET (or depending from your time zone: 8pm GMT –  3pm EST – 12pm PST)

If you have any questions, please get in touch. Thank you!

Warm greetings,


PS: as a sign of my gratitude for purchasing my book I will create a limited edition of digitally signed A4 size prints on photo paper of the artwork titled: Claudi — Instruction for an interactive poem: make approval or disapproval sounds according to each word’s liking. If you are interested in one please send me your shipping address.

PSS: I have placed a compliant with the publishers. Shipping fees had not been discussed during the agreement (my bad for not thinking about that), so I am as surprised as you are and hope they will not jeopardise the project all together. Thanks to everybody for sticking it through the shipping fees bitter taste.

…and they lived happily ever after… link to my first book pre-order

my book launch has started here is the link to preorder copies:https://shop.snap-collective.com/collections/coming-soon/products/and-they-lived-happily-ever-after-by-claudi-piripippi

Dear friends, artists, art lovers, art supporters: people!

Following my previous first book announcement, I am back, asking for your support and sharing the pre order link:

The book is not finished yet but will appear in about 8-12 weeks after a successful pre-order campaign. To finish and publish it, I need at least 25 pre-orders for a small market test, so that Snap collective, my publisher, can see that there is an actual sales potential, and he can take the risk publishing this book.

I would be ever so grateful if you would support my first book project with an order!

As a small thank you, all pre-orders receive a 10 Euro price reduction.You can now pre-order the book directly from the publisher via this link:https://shop.snap-collective.com/collections/coming-soon/products/and-they-lived-happily-ever-after-by-claudi-piripippi

The pre-order runs ONLY 14 days and ends on Tuesday March 26th at 9pm CET (or depending from your time zone: 8pm GMT –  3pm EST – 12pm PST)

If you have any questions, please do get in touch.

While sneaking you through a little preview (see attachments),

With my fingers crossed I wave big ciaos from across the seas and the clouds


climate action Arts Festival

logo on black FB croplogo on whitepostcard_bck_1R3I am pleased to announce that I will be part of the Vision LA Fest in two occasions. During the opening of the event on November 30th at the Bergamot Station in Santa Monica I will be performing Domestic Apocalypse, a collaboration with artist Jenny Kane: http://visionlafest.org/event/domestic-apocalypse/ .domestic apo
And on December 6th at Helms Walk in Culver City I will perform Beauty Parlor http://visionlafest.org/event/beauty-parlour/ .BeautyParlour_Borgna

I am really honoured to be part of this festival that features 80 events happening all over LA during over the course of 11 days of creative action for more info about the events see: http://visionlafest.org/calendar/ 
Social media:  
hashtag #VisionLAFest
Twitter account is @VisionLAFest
Instagram: @visionlafest
Facebook: VisionLAFest
FB event for the entire festival:

FB event for the opening night party Nov. 30, which you are on the guest list for:

FB event for the closing night party ENVISION, Dec. 11, which you are also on the guest list for:


This year at BAM festival – 18th street Art Center

Tears and onions, raw materials sourced from different wells, to cry over the draught. CRY A RIVER, an artwork performed at 18th Street Art Center in Santa Monica in occasion of BAM Festival 2015.


Photo by Inga Ornelas Photography, courtesy of 18th Street Arts Center.

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Video documentation of my graduation work

ONIONS: from the rabbit hole you make the rules!
Video Projection: 4-day documentation of artist writing her MFA thesis with audio of ______ played on boombox.